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EcommerceAdopting digital marketing and related technologies early is crucial for increasing eCommerce sales. The modern consumer has high expectations for a seamless online shopping experience, and implementing the latest technology can help your business meet those expectations. By utilizing tools such as live chat and personalization software, you can provide personalized experiences for customers and increase the likelihood of conversion. Our job is to help your business grow, and embracing eCommerce technology is a key component of that growth. Conversion optimization or CRO is crucial in the competitive world of online commerce, and we are dedicated to staying on top of the latest developments in order to improve your sales.

Early Adoption of digital marketing & related technologies is key

Our job is to help your business grow and conversion optimization for eCommerce sites is critical. How much real or “valuable” traffic are you getting and how many conversions are you getting (a conversion may be a phone call, order or booking etc.)? What is your bounce rate? What is your cart or form abandonment rate? What is the site load time? Are your users having a custom experience based on their journey? There are 1001 metrics we look at.

Here are some some ideas on how to start increasing conversions through user experience:

  • Understand your currents analytics. You have to know what your actual metrics are.
  • Make sure your analytics are setup to capture macro and micro conversions. If they are not capturing this, start.
  • Get an analysis from a reputable digital marketing agency (Google partner) who has an actual analyst.
  • Create a prioritized plan to optimize. Start with the big stuff and go from there.

For more information on eCommerce trends visit Design Rush 

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