I want results now!
Some business owners expect results as soon as you make some “simple ads” and launch the campaign. It takes time. How much time? Lets discuss. It depends. What is your budget? What are your competitors doing? Are you using a company with a proven track record of getting results? What is the big data saying about your industry and customer journey? What results are you expecting?
It also depends on how often and how well your digital marketing agency is optimizing your plan. This will be another blog post.
All these questions need to be answered and an initial plan created and implemented. But now what? When do I see results? Again it depends on your budget and how good your digital marketing agency is. We have done hundreds of campaigns and have many case studies to pull data from.
What we see in general as an average is this:
90 days to collect and analyze data. Throughout this time you should be seeing some performance but this is really the data gathering phase.
After the first 90 days we usually spend the next 90 days using the data we’ve analyzed to re-optimize campaigns, ads, content, website etc. During this time you should see a substantial increase in performance.
Post 180 days.
This is where the real optimization happens. Every month you have a campaign running your campaign (overall/Yearly) should be performing better.
Learn more on our Google Ads Page or our SEO Page