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I donā€™t like purple. I want the logo bigger. We donā€™t need a new site we just re-did it 3 years ago, our clients donā€™t use mobile. How many times do we hear this? A lot of business owners are trying to save costs and be involved in the design and marketing of their website but they are basing decisions on feelings. I mean itā€™s hard not to. You are a CEO or a manager and this is your baby.

You want whatā€™s best for your company – And so do we!

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We suggest turning to Data – and thatā€™s where we come in. We analyze data and make decisions on the outcomes or trends and insights. Thatā€™s our job. There is a reason the logo is a certain size, there is a reason that button is ugly and data can lead you to make the right decisions. Using Google Big Data and competitive intelligence we can tell you what your site should look like and how it should perform, we can also tell you what your competitors are doing. Itā€™s invaluable.

Here are some ways to startĀ website marketing using data:
Work with a Google partner who has analytics expert. They will most likely ask for analytics access so they can analyze and strategize.
Review in person. Itā€™s critical that you understand the ā€œwhyā€. Listen. Once you have found the right company trust them to make the right decisions. After all they’re using hard data facts.

Learn more about analytics consultingĀ >>

Feel free to contact us with any questions

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