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Mobile First.

Design for Mobile & Wearbles

We design for mobile and wearable devices first.
In 2017 for the first time, mobile usage surpassed desktop usage and Youtube surpassed television usage. – TechCrunch Article

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Mobile Marketing

Let’s talk about creating a conversion optimized
design to get you where you want to be.

This meeting is a value of $995 that you will receive for free! Please mention the code DiscoMeeting when contacting us!

Get Better Conversions

Limited Time Offer, Expires May 31st, 2018


Don’t get left behind. The statistics show an overwhelming increase in mobile usage
If companies do not think “MOBILE FIRST” they will lose viewership.

2017 Mobile usage Statistics


51% of all digital ad budgets in 2016 were spent on mobile.


80% of social media time is spent on a mobile device.


48% of millennials view video solely on their mobile device.


By 2019, mobile ads are expected to represent 72% of all digital ad spending.

Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy Gear 2 Smart Watch

Conversion rates

Average smartphone conversion rates are up 64% compared to the average desktop conversion rates.

  • Most users have a smartphone.
  • People prefer reading emails on their mobile device
  • Consumers are more likely buy from a business that has an amazing mobile experience.
  • Most social media activity takes place on mobile.
Is your website performing?

Offline Traffic Increases

88% of consumers who search for a type of local business on a mobile device call or go to that business within 24 hours.

  • Most users have a smartphone.
  • People prefer reading emails on their mobile device
  • Consumers are more likely buy from a business that has an amazing mobile experience.
  • Most social media activity takes place on mobile.
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StatCounter Internet Usage

Millennials and Time spent on Mobile.

By 2018, American adults are expected to spend on average 3 hours and 23 minutes on nonvoice mobile media.

Keep pace with your customers’ constantly changing behaviors. Download this 5 Step Optimization guide to learn more about our optimization process.


A great experience is what we design for. Our award winning web designs
give visitors an optimal experience while helping them get what they want.

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Let’s talk about creating a conversion optimized design to get you where you want to be.

Award Winning Objective Driven Design

Design your brand’s digital experience with us.

What is your website’s objective? We design and build website’s and APP’s with your business objectives in mind. Adapt an objective driven design for your website today and convert your website or app into a business machine.

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Increase Conversions by Removing Friction

There is no linear or singular path to conversion. Users start their journey at various stages and often jump back and forth and cross devices. We engineer and accelerate persuasive digital journeys so users can intuitively flow into the right and desired direction.

Let’s convert your visitors into customers

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Augmented and Immersive Experience

Bring your product to life before it’s creation and blend it with the real world. Bring your product closer to your consumer than ever before.

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AB Testing with Mediaforce


Experiment Digital Experiences

Keep pace with your customers’ constantly changing behaviors. Download this 5 Step Optimization guide to learn more about our optimization process.

Ask less, Give more.

Serving the same website and message to everyone, every time?

Your customers are unique, so craft a digital experience that is built just for them.

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Behavioral Target Marketing


Experience is everything.

Our approach to design is not about being pretty, it’s about ensuring your users have a great experience. Users need to be inspired that they are in the right place and you can provide the right service, solution or product. Our job in design is to ensure your users have such an amazing experience they won’t even think of your competition.

Talk To UsReal world examples


Experience is everything.

Examples of how we improved design and increased conversions.

Accedian Networks

To drive conversions on the Accedian website, Mediaforce began with information architecture optimization and content readability optimization. Reorganizing site data and content to fit a logical information flow impacts the site’s usability, rankings, and naturally guides users through the conversion process.

Discovery meetingView case study

Over 300% Increase in
Quality Organic Search Engine Traffic

See how we helped world class plastic surgeons reach their clients more effectively around the world with a great design.
Find out how we did itView case study

Canada Flowers

Canada Flowers was already using online paid search campaigns but they weren’t delivering optimal results. Mediaforce was able to boost online conversions while reducing cost per acquisition by focussing on ad-copy optimization and a tighter alignment between the ad copy and the customer-journey on the site.

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