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Digital Marketing for Tigerfoam Canada Ecommerce

Digital Marketing Case Study for eCommerce

Tiger Foam required a website that would be both attractive and objectives-driven in order to address the following challenges: Lengthy time to conversions, decreasing customer loyalty, and most critically, decreasing sales. By building an accessible website design to engage users, Tiger Foam was able to increase the average number of organic visitors by 12000% and the average number of paid visitors by 2000%.

In terms of bottom line impact, the improved checkout process reduced shopping cart abandonment rates by 35%. As a result, Tiger Foam saw a 110% increase in sales inside a year.

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“We are a full-service provider and offer spray foam experts to assist in identifying markets and customers that align with your level of distribution and services. Our team at Tiger Foam sells directly to the professional end-user, ensuring product quality control, and providing direct access to product experts and the manufacturer. This allows contractors to receive true pricing without any distribution markup fees. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you.”

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