IP Distributed System

Functional Characteristics

  • H.264 video compression algorithm
  • Full HD 1080P60Hz, high compression ratio, high picture quality
  • Massive access to IPC (IP Camera) signals and direct decoding on the display wall
  • Can access massively DVI/HDMI signals
  • Multi-window image real time preview monitor display preview eash signal in advance
  • Can support ultra high definition base map and character overlay
  • Industrial quality, light and easy to install
  • The output node can realize the mixed output of multiple signals at the same time, and can realize any size zoom display and arbitrary full wall roaming (single screen, cross screen, full wall display)
  • Based on non-blocking network switch architecture, no backplane design, system with strong self-recovery ability
  • No cooling fan system design, quitter operation
  • Linux embedded operating system, safe and reliable
  • Based on super five types of CATe5 and above specifications, the transmission distance can be further


Flownet IP distributed system is a professional high-definition network coding product. It adopts high-performance image processing technology and features low bandwidth, low delay, high definition and high stability. It can be widely used in military defence, airport air traffic control, and commercial. Display baking finance, energy construction, education and teaching industries.